Immaculate Heart Fridge Magnet
$ 4.50
Immaculate Heart of Mary ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
The Immaculate Heart of Mary is a name given to the Blessed Mother that reminds us of her great love for God. Pictures of the Immaculate Heart of Mary show a heart, flames, a sword, and flowers. These objects remind us of Mary. The flames remind us of how much she loves God. The sword reminds us of her sorrows. Finally, the flowers remind us that Mary is pure and always obeys God. How can you obey God everyday?
More Information:
- 2.80" height.
- Magnet
- Eco Friendly Soft PVC
- Perfect gift for any occasion, for a child, parent, grand-parent, teacher.
- Perfect to pin notes, recipe, artwork on fridge, door, cabinet, locker, cubicle, any magnetic surface.
- Our magnets are the perfect way to introduce children to Catholicism.